Gender inequality in Galatz station workplace

For Kobi Arieli

Home project

Exercise challenge

Work well challenge Leaving phones out of the bedroom

Alphabet Soup project

Memmories from a childhood bakery

Do middle eastern musicians in Israel ignore political current affairs?

Former repentant torn between the religious and secular worlds

For Beita Gallery

Small group of illustrators along with Shlomi Shaban in a 'Pass the Parcel' mission- Songs being translated to images, which in turn get a new take in words.

A play written By Jonathan Kunda

Marriage maintenance- a weekend in London

A Pais Fund Graphic Novel, Gnat Press Publishers 2021

Grandma Skipper

Moving house. For Leore Dayan

For Inside-Out Exhibition

Poetry book cover for the award winning poet- Loren Milk

Reality TV is still around

Online dating


Who is to blame for the national health system's flaws

Grandma skipper

Miniature museum Rehovot

the desperation of que culture in Israel. Written by Kobi Arieli